Titled afterTruman Capote’s protagonist famously played by Audrey Hepburn in the film Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), Holly Golightly (2011) captures the essence of the character: seductive and bold, mysterious and capricious. Though tied to the ceiling by a chain, the suggested figure is literally light on her feet, with a pointed boot hovering just above the gallery floor. Non-parallel lines and inconsistent angles lend the sculpture a sense of airy haphazardness. Though seemingly a jumble, the found pipes and slices of metal never fail to align in formally pleasing arrangements, mimicking the character’s frivolous, seemingly accidental elegance.
The Los Angeles–based artist Jason Meadows uses found and manufactured objects to craft idiosyncratic assemblages. Though smart and studied, his constructions are hardly academic. Rich in character development, narrative, and humor, they suggest a position of critical kinship with comics, cartoons, and Hollywood films.
Like many of his other sculptural works, the source of I am the Greatest is actually a historical photograph of an identical button pin from the 1960s...
Weekly Picks: Singapore (7 – 13 January 2019) | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Weekly To Do January 7, 2019 The Past and Coming Melt by Koh Nguang How , Grey Projects, 12 – 23 January With a focus on environmentally engaged art that speaks to Koh’s early and crucial artistic position on environmental crises, ‘The Past and Coming Melt’ features archival works as well as new recreations of previously destroyed or unavailable work and material...
Gabriel Orozco often documents found situations in the natural or urban landscape...
At the halfway point along South Africa’s Highway N1, running from Cape Town to Johannesburg, sits the small town of Beaufort West...
Nina Azoulay — Comme un rond dans un carré — Frac île-de-france, le Plateau — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Nina Azoulay — Comme un rond dans un carré — Frac île-de-france, le Plateau — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Précédent Suivant Nina Azoulay — Comme un rond dans un carré Exposition Installations, sculpture Derniers Jours Nina Azoulay, Olivia, 2024 © Nina Azoulay Nina Azoulay Comme un rond dans un carré Encore 7 jours : 11 janvier → 18 février 2024 La Project Room est le nouvel espace prospectif et expérimental du Frac qui prend place dans la dernière salle du Plateau...
Jeff Koons Killed Her Review - The New York Times Art & Design | Jeff Koons Killed Her Review https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/17/arts/design/jeff-koons-brooklyn-rail-tulips-golan.html Share full article 271 Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT It all began with the flowers, and the hands holding them aloft...
Winter is a film installation of multiple tenses—shot in the recent past, depicting an unknown future, unfolding (and changing) in the present of the exhibition...
In his photographic series Périphérique (2005–2008), Mohamed Bourouissa used the composition of classical paintings to stage the portrait of friends and young people in the banlieue s (suburbs)...
Untitled (Celestial Motors) is a visual meditation on an icon of modern urban Philippine life—the jeepney...
A residency program in the blazing hot city of Honda, Colombia, inspired artist Nicolás Consuegra to consider the difficulty in understanding the needs of a distant community...