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Escultura publica en la periferia urbana de Monterrey is a public sculpture on the periphery of the city of Monterrey. It consisted of a concrete foundation that was free to use by the people of Monterrey. Apart from being used as a platform for a political rally, it was transformed among others into a marketplace, a hangout, until eventually becoming claimed by a man who built his house on it. The house remains there to this day.
Colectivo Tercerunquinto develops work related to the urban, the boundaries between public and private space. By introducing simple signs or gestures – the construction of a concrete slab, displacement of a portion of bitumen on the side of the road, encroachement of grass on a parking, the three artists interrogate public space as the place of possibilities. Their interventions give users an active status with the power to decide on their own environment. For the Hong Kong architecture biennale, the collective intervened in the exhibition spaces. The intervention consisted in constructing a wall which integrated the word ‘Anarchitecture’ (anarchy + architecture) by omitting certain bricks. Therefore it was as if the word had perforated the wall. Through the wall, the spectator could see the city and its transformations. Thus the spectator was invited to develop his critical outlook on the environment. Formed in 1998, the collective is composed of Julio Castro (b. 1976), Gabriel Cazares (b. 1978), and Rolando Flores (b. 1975).
BF15 is a preparatory study for the collective’s intervention at the BF15 gallery in Mexico, near Monterrey...
Studios Are Loosening Their Reluctance to Send Old Shows Back to Netflix - The New York Times Media | In Search of Cash, Studios Send Old Shows Back to Netflix Share full article 195 Advertisement SKIP ADVERTISEMENT For years, entertainment company executives happily licensed classic movies and television shows to Netflix...
BF15 is a preparatory study for the collective’s intervention at the BF15 gallery in Mexico, near Monterrey...
In “And so it is” shows the image of a faceless man before a microphone, ready to deliver an important message...
– In which defeated he leaves the scene and the stage is left in search of its scale – Second episode of The Unmanned series, “The Brute Force” reconstructs the minutes following Garry Kasparov’s defeat against the IBM Deep Blue computer on 11 May 1997...