Untitled (Don’t See, Don’t Hear, Don’t Speak)

2008 - Photography (Photography)

38H x 96W inches

Shilpa Gupta

location: Mumbai, India
year born: 1976
gender: female
nationality: Indian
home town: Mumbai, India

The three monkeys in Don’t See, Don’t Hear, Don’t Speak are a recurring motif in Gupta’s work and refer to the Japanese pictorial maxim of the “three wise monkeys” in which Mizaru covers his eyes to “see no evil,” Kikazaru covers his ears to “hear no evil,” and Iwazaru covers his mouth to “speak no evil.” For the various performative and photographic works that continue this investigation and critique of the political environment, Gupta stages children and adults holding their own or each other’s eyes, mouths and ears. These images suggest that seemingly mobilized societies can actually produce more fear and myths, and that no real freedom is ensured. Instead of facilitating the free circulation of ideas, “advanced” political and technological systems often generate more cultural clichés, wars, and terror.

Mumbai-based Shilpa Gupta’s practice crosses disciplines and media to include interactive videos, websites, objects, photographs, sound, and public performances. Probing and examining themes such as desire, religion, tradition, gender, global capitalism, social injustice, security, borders, and power, Gupta actively engages herself with the political and cultural world around her.


Related artist(s) to: Shilpa Gupta » Jewyo Rhii, » Hans Ulrich Obrist, » Jimmie Durham, » Michelangelo Pistoletto, » Olafur Eliasson, » Tino Sehgal, » Amar Kanwar, » Cao Fei, » Clara Kim, » Dayanita Singh

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