5:27 minutes
Indexes that either allow or inhibit the establishment of communication exist in both signed as well as spoken languages. Some differ radically depending on a variety of social, economic and geographical factors, while others are universally understood. Seemingly small and fleeting gestures can determine a sense of affiliation or a feeling of rejection. American Sign Language (ASL) is a language in which nuances like face markers (eyebrows, lip movement, etc.) can radically alter the context of one sign or re-contextualize meaning entirely. The commonly recognized hand shapes that are typically used to show different classes of things, shapes, and sizes are called “classifiers”. The index finger is a classifier for “person”. This single finger is enough to identify every possible individual and also for the observers to recognize themselves in it. It is a placeholder that can be manipulated at will. For the video Classified Digits, by Christine Sun Kim and Thomas Mader, this finger is hurled into a series of awkward yet commonly experienced social situations.
Christine Sun Kim and Thomas Mader have been collaborating for the last 5 years, covering communication in a variety of formats such as recording an overnight shipment from Berlin to New York ( Recording Contract , 2013), compiling 24 hours of invited contributors’ studio time ( Busy Day , 2014), and using the arm game, a combination of body and face, in order to describe a series awkward situations ( Classified Digits , 2016).
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