Casa de la cabeza (House of the head)

2011 - Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

9.45H x 13.39W inches

Bernardo Ortiz

location: Bogota, Colombia
year born: 1972
gender: male
nationality: Colombian
home town: Bogota, Colombia

Casa de la cabeza (2011) is a drawing of the words of the title, which translate literally into English as “house of the head.” Ortiz uses this humorous phrase to engage the idea of living in your head.

Bernardo Ortiz charts time as if it was a constellation, pulling from the accumulation of his life to create structures. Notes, notepads, ephemera, and thoughts become the inspiration for his works, manifesting themselves through installations, signs, and drawings. Language plays a dynamic role, especially in Ortiz’s drawings of enigmatic slogans or ideas.


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