104 x 156 cm
The photographic series Wrapped Future II by Lim Sokchanlina brings fences used on construction sites to enclose the surrounding areas, to different locations, lakes, valleys and forests; and places them at the center of works to obscure the beautiful Cambodian landscape. The inharmonious landscape is gradually captivated by the exquisite balance between inorganic material and mystical background. The photos were taken in places that in recent years have become targets of large-scale exploitation under a massive globalization of capital and other political interests. Using the fences as a symbol of change, Sokchanlina’s work warns of an uncertain future where local realities with their communities, culture, and nature will slowly fade away. – Text by Sachiko Iwase
Lim Sokchanlina, nicknamed ‘Lina’, works across documentary and conceptual practices with photography, video, installation, and performance; particularly drawn to the use and function of space where urban communities meet rural attitudes. Using different strategies, he calls attention to various social, political, geopolitical, economic, cultural, and environmental changes in Cambodia, and in relation to the globe. Lim Sokchanlina also belongs to a Khmer generation critically aware of the need to inform Cambodian youth of their cultural, social, and political histories. His work raises questions about the role of power and economics in our everyday living and contemporary present and usually involves research to discover, unpack, and record the present’s history and the future’s imagination by learning from the past. Growing up in a society decimated by the affects of the Khmer Rouge and its anti-intellectualization, a violent civil war that killed millions, Lina co-founded Stiev Selapak / Art Rebels, in 2007 (an initiative which gave subsequent birth to exhibition space ‘Sa Sa Art Projects’ and commercial space ‘Sa Sa Bassac’) – a community within Southeast Asia well-known for their activities raising local awareness of civic, environmental and cultural injustice. – Text by Sa Sa Bassac and Zoe Butt
The photographic series Wrapped Future II by Lim Sokchanlina brings fences used on construction sites to enclose the surrounding areas, to different locations, lakes, valleys and forests; and places them at the center of works to obscure the beautiful Cambodian landscape...
Ça pourrait être mieux — Galerie Analix Forever — Exposition — Slash Paris Connexion Newsletter Twitter Facebook Ça pourrait être mieux — Galerie Analix Forever — Exposition — Slash Paris Français English Accueil Événements Artistes Lieux Magazine Vidéos Retour Précédent Suivant Ça pourrait être mieux Exposition Film, installations, lithographie / gravure, livres.....
BSA Images Of The Week: 11.26.23 | Brooklyn Street Art BROOKLYN STREET ART LOVES YOU MORE EVERY DAY Welcome to BSA Images of the Week! How are feeling? Did you have a good Thanksgiving day, and did you see the crowds and balloons and marching bands along the parade route and the still intact orange and yellow leaves on the trees on Central Park West? Did you see Dolly Parton dressed as a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader singing at the halftime game, and did you see your girl Ava from up the block with her vintage vest and platform boots when grandma sent you out for a can of whipped cream for the pumpkin pies? “Have you kept pace with the latest revelation in the art world? A remarkable BBC interview with Banksy, dating back two decades, has recently surfaced, sparking renewed excitement...
The photographic series Wrapped Future II by Lim Sokchanlina brings fences used on construction sites to enclose the surrounding areas, to different locations, lakes, valleys and forests; and places them at the center of works to obscure the beautiful Cambodian landscape...
The photographic series Wrapped Future II by Lim Sokchanlina brings fences used on construction sites to enclose the surrounding areas, to different locations, lakes, valleys and forests; and places them at the center of works to obscure the beautiful Cambodian landscape...
The photographic series Wrapped Future II by Lim Sokchanlina brings fences used on construction sites to enclose the surrounding areas, to different locations, lakes, valleys and forests; and places them at the center of works to obscure the beautiful Cambodian landscape...
The photographic series Wrapped Future II by Lim Sokchanlina brings fences used on construction sites to enclose the surrounding areas, to different locations, lakes, valleys and forests; and places them at the center of works to obscure the beautiful Cambodian landscape...
Simpson’s sculptural practice connects architecture, clothing, furniture and the body to explore the functional and sociological roles and the influence of the design and architecture of various cultures and periods in history...
In 1995, the personal and professional archives of the Mexican architect Luis Barragán were acquired (including the rights to the name and the work of the architect) by the Swiss furniture enterprise Vitra...
During the years of President Senghor, Papa Ibra Tall was influential in the cultural dimension of Senegalese politics, participating in the implementation of the Dakar School, a movement of artistic renewal born at the dawn of the country’s independence between 1960 and 1974 and which was encouraged by President Senghor...