Adaptando la Carta #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

2013 - Drawing & Print (Drawing & Print)

Fabiola Torres-Alzaga

year born: 1978
gender: female
nationality: Mexican
home town: Mexico City, Mexico

Fabiola Torres-Alzaga plays with magic, illusion, and sleight-of-hand, fabricating installations, drawings, and films that toy with our perceptions. Her interests and the resulting aesthetic projects seem couched in the 19thcentury sideshow, more than the contemporary art world. In her delicate drawings, Adaptando la Carta, layers of tracing paper reveal different hand positions, concealing and revealing a playing card hidden among the curves of the magician’s hand. The artist’s fixation on the hand is persistent throughout the works, as she considers the limits between reality and illusion.

Fabiola Torres-Alzaga plays with magic, illusion, and sleight-of-hand, fabricating installations, drawings, and films that toy with our perceptions. Her interests and the resulting aesthetic projects seem couched in the 19th-century sideshow, more than the contemporary art world.


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