The Library of John Waters

“Nothing is more important than an unread library,” notes John Waters in his recent autobiography Role Models ( 2010). Ranging from his own publishing endeavors, such as his screenplays of films like Pink Flamingos and Multiple Maniacs , to books from his personal library, Kadist SF featured selections from the bibliophilic John Waters throughout the Spring season. Waters is the author of multiple books: Shock Value (2005), Crackpot (2003), Pink Flamingos and Other Trash (2005), Hairspray, Female Trouble and Multiple Maniacs (2005), and Art: A Sex Book (co-written with art critic Bruce Hainley, 2003). And since the early 1990s, an artist making photo-based artwork and installations, with collection catalogs such as Director’s Cut (1997), John Waters: Change of Life (2004), and Unwatchable (2006).
