Meiro Koizumi is an artist who came in residence at Kadist Paris in 2014. Meiro Koizumi (1976, Gunma, Japan) lives and works in Tokyo. He investigates the boundaries between the private and the public, a domain of specific importance to his native Japanese culture. His videos are often based on performances and constructed scenarios. He places characters, played by himself or others, in awkward situations. Often starting harmoniously he gradually heightens the tension manipulating the situation from humorous to painful. His performances focus and enlarge the moment when a situation gets out of control, becomes embarrassing or breaks social rules. His works also include drawings and collages. Meiro Koizumi visited the International Christian University, Tokyo and the Chelsea College of Art and Design, London as well as the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam. Recent solo exhibitions include the Museum of Modern Art in New York (2013), Centro de Arte de Caja de Burgos (2012), Art Space Sydney (2011) and the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo (2009). He participated in numerous group shows, such as at the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (2011), the Liverpool Biennial (2010) and Media City Seoul (2010).