Making Black Archives in Europe

MAKING BLACK ARCHIVES IN EUROPE How do we make Black archives within western contexts? In this roundtable discussion, representatives from Afropea (France), Black Cultural Archives (UK), the Black Queer Archives (Netherlands) and Black Archives Sweden discussed their various approaches to autonomy, infrastructure, economics, and sustainability in creating and maintaining Black archives within Europe. With Savannah Wood (Afro Charities), Marie-Julie Chalu (Afropea), Rhoda Boateng (Black Cultural Archives), Julian Isena (Black Queer Archives NL), and Ulrika Flink (Black Archives Sweden). In the framework of Nectar, a solo exhibition by Xaviera Simmons Public programming: Salma Mochtari sound and editing: Louis Pierre-Lacouture camera: Vincent Peugnet translation and subtitles: Zsófia Szatmári production: Cindy Bannani, Salma Mochtari and Sophie Potelon for KADIST
