Luis Camnitzer: About the Monolingual Players

Reading by Luis Camnitzer The artist will look into the critical distance allowed for when talking more than one language. Wondering if art is yet another language, Luis Camnitzer will elaborate on the importance of merging art into the educational process, from kindergarten to post doctoral studies. Luis Camnitzer, Uruguayan, born in 1937, Lübeck, Germany. He lives and works in Great Neck, New York, USA. Artist, critic, educator, and theorist Luis Camnitzer was at the vanguard of 1960s Conceptualism. Camnitzer’s artworks explore subjects such as social injustice, repression, and institutional critique. His humorous, biting, and often politically charged use of language as art medium has distinguished his practice for over four decades. He responded in great part to the growing wave of Latin American military regimes taking root in the late ‘60s, but his work also points to the dynamic political landscape of his adopted country, the United States.
