Ali Cherri

Ali Cherri, in conversation with Audrey Norcia In the framework of “ Visite croisée” with Jeu de Paume 3pm Meeting point at Jeu de Paume with Ali Cherri and Osei Bonsu : presentation of the exhibition Somniculus 4.30 pm KADIST : Exhibition tour Conceal, cover with sand, replicate, translate, restore 5pm Conversation between Ali Cherri and Audrey Norcia Ali Cherri is an artist. He lives and works in Paris and Beirut. Audrey Norcia is an Art historian. She lives and works in Paris. Her thesis Ruines, décombres et restes : quand l’art contemporain découvre l’archéologie will be published in 2017 at the Presses du Réel. It approaches the diverse relations that exist between art and archaeology since the fifties through entries such as the material culture of our society, the trace, waste, the archaeological operating chain and the museographic devices appropriated by artists.
