Weekly Southeast Asia Radar: Indonesian govt aids arts; female voices in Vietnam war stories

about 57 months ago (05/14/2020)

Weekly Southeast Asia Radar: Indonesian govt aids arts; female voices in Vietnam war stories | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Radar JG Photo/Yudha Baskoro May 14, 2020 ArtsEquator’s Southeast Asia Radar features articles and posts about arts and culture in Southeast Asia, drawn from local and regional websites and publications – aggregated content from outside sources, so we are exposed to a multitude of voices in the region. In the weekly Southeast Asia Radar, we publish a round-up of content that have been scoured and sifted from a range of regional news websites, blogs and media platforms. Here is this week’s Southeast Asia Radar: Juvita Tatan Wan says the cancellation of Kelunan’s international tour this year was a big blow to the outfit.

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