How the Singapore literary ecosystem tackles mental health

about 37 months ago (12/27/2021)

How the Singapore literary ecosystem tackles mental health | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia ArtsEquator Viewpoints December 27, 2021 By Sarah Tang (1,450 words, 5-minute read) cw: Contains mentions of suicide There appears to be more local books and writing about mental health in the Singapore lit scene in recent years. In Mahita Vas’ book A Good Day To Die: Inside A Suicidal Mind , published this year, she details specific issues of discrimination in Singapore, such as being rejected by all of the major insurance agencies on account of her mental condition. In 2019, readers were floored by Loss Adjustment , Linda Collins’ personal account of the loss of her 17-year-old daughter Victoria to suicide, and how she struggled to seek answers from school teachers and counsellors, throughthe pages of her daughter’s diary.

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