about 64 months ago (10/07/2019)
The Personal, the Humour and the Horror: Interview with Irwan Ahmett | ArtsEquator Thinking and Talking about Arts and Culture in Southeast Asia Articles Hideto Maezawa October 7, 2019 By Patricia Tobin (1,140 words, 6-minute read) The concluding production of TPAM 2019 was Constellation of Violence , a lecture-performance by artist Irwan Ahmett, which focused on the culmination of the Cold War in Indonesia in 1965, from its lead-up to its aftermath. Irwan is an artist who positions his existence in the complexity of humanity issues through spatiality of histories and permanent impact of colonialism, and reflects those in the global geopolitical context. Following from our review of the show, we spoke with Irwan on the performance, his relationship with history and how to deal with horror.