about 35 months ago (03/03/2022)
Creative Time's First Think Tank Now Public - Creative Time Creative Time’s First Think Tank Now Public March 3rd, 2022 Tweet Email For the past year, the Think Tank has served as an incubator and forum for reframing conversations and decision making processes, premised on an understanding of arts and cultural spaces as necessary points of intervention toward wider societal transformation. Working amidst a groundswell of demands for change in response to the ongoing pandemic and uprising for racial justice and decolonization, the Think Tank coalesced around a vision of how to move past reactionary and reformist approaches—rooted in representational politics and the elevation of individual achievement over collective gain—and toward true systemic transformation guided in reparative practices that focus on collective well being. The culmination of this work can be found at: creativetime.org/reworlding Invitations Toward Re-worlding can best be understood as a series of administrative interventions, directed by a central question: what does repair within our work look like?